BioTremvarTM – The first medicine that can overcome and regulate a hyperactive primary immune response to restore immune balance
The immune response occurs normally in two phases: a primary response from the innate immunity with the first responder cell macrophages and neutrophils and a secondary response from the adaptive immunity with the T and B lymphocytes, usually induced by the primary response. The primary response is the engine creating the inflammatory response to an infection. Some pathogens, like E. coli, can induce a hyperprimary response leading to a deadly excess of inflammation. Typical diseases induced by an excess of inflammation created by an overactive primary immune response are inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and demyelinating diseases known as multiple sclerosis (MS), where the myelin sheet around the nerves is destroyed by the immune cells.
The excess inflammation found in these diseases has been shown to be mediated by a deregulated TREM1-macrophage activation pathway. TREM1 is the main activation receptor or switch of the macrophages and neutrophils. Twenty-four years of research and over 2300 articles have shown the prominent role of TREM1 in inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Hyperactivation of the TREM1 activation pathway causes an over-activation of the primary responder cells, which release an excess of inflammatory mediators. Current therapies are either palliative by treating the symptoms (sepsis and ARDS) or with limited efficacy or temporary (IBD and MS) by targeting only one of the many inflammatory mediators released. These drugs aim to neutralize TNF-alpha, they include Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, Simponi, and equivalents.
BioTremvarTM is a human protein naturally found in the blood to regulate the immune response to an infection. It is the natural regulator of TREM1. Instead of decreasing the effect of only one inflammatory mediator at a time, like the current drugs, it reduces the production of all of them by downregulating the activation of the primary responder cells generating them. Studies suggest that some diseases develop when the human body cannot produce enough of BioTremvarTM to maintain a well-balanced immune response against an infection. Administration of BioTremvarTM supplement has proven remarkably effective, demonstrating a strong capability to rescue and control the primary immune response from a deadly infection generating an excess of inflammation. The survival rate of animals battling sepsis was increased from 30% to 100% when treated with BioTremvarTM. The damage induced to the colon from an excess of intestinal inflammation (IBD) was attenuated by 50% with a single dose of an active fragment of BioTremvarTM. BioTremvarTM is the only biological entity known that can overcome and regulate an overactive primary immune response by reducing and preventing its excess release of inflammatory mediators, thereby allowing restoration of the immune balance.
Therapeutical BiotremvarTM is a recombinant human protein produced with recombinant DNA technology that is administered intravenously, intraperitoneally, or both depending on the severity of the disease.